Will Losing Weight Get Rid of Diastasis Recti?

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Pregnancy can cause many problems, including excess skin and stretched-out muscles in the stomach. For many women with children, it can be impossible to slim down through consistent diet and exercise alone. The professionals at New Orleans Plastic Surgery take great pride in helping patients with diastasis recti, or separated abdominal muscles.

Diastasis recti cannot always be treated by conventional methods, like losing weight. Tummy tuck surgery can address the issue by removing hanging skin and tightening the underlying muscles. Find out if you are qualified for this procedure by meeting with plastic and cosmetic surgeon Dr. Michelle Eagan, Board Certified Plastic Surgeon, in New Orleans, LA. We can explain what is involved in this body contouring procedure below.

Do I have diastasis recti?

As you may know, pregnancy places pressure on the belly and abdominal muscles. Unfortunately, the muscles can separate and stay that way even after childbirth. This condition is known as diastasis recti, and it can cause a number of health and cosmetic issues for women. You may have lower back pain, urinary incontinence, or digestive disorders. Diastasis recti can also cause a bulging or protruding belly that makes you still appear pregnant.

A primary care doctor or specialist can diagnose diastasis recti during an examination. Women should watch out for common symptoms and request an assessment if they experience any problems that impact their day-to-day lives. Dr. Eagan can examine your abdomen during a consultation and find out if you could benefit from one of our treatment options. Signs you have diastasis recti include:

  • Swollen belly

  • Urinary incontinence

  • Pelvic or hip pain

  • Pain during sex

  • Lower back pain

  • Constipation

Can I treat diastasis recti without surgery?

Mild cases of diastasis recti may resolve on their own. This is more common in women who didn’t gain much weight during pregnancy. Some doctors recommend a simple diet and exercise plan to help with the above symptoms. However, workouts, like crunches and planks, could damage the abdominal muscles if they are not performed correctly. Tummy tuck surgery in New Orleans, LA, is the most efficient way to address the root of the problem by rejoining the separated muscles.

How does tummy tuck surgery work?

Dr. Eagan performs body contouring while patients are under general anesthesia. Our team starts by creating an incision based on the amount of excess skin that needs to be removed. We then repair the muscles to restore a firmer abdominal wall. Techniques like liposuction may also be incorporated to remove small but unwanted fat pockets. Before being released, patients are sent home with a medical compression garment to help with side effects, such as inflammation. Optimal results are seen once the swelling subsides.

Discover the benefits of body contouring

If you were pregnant and now have a belly bulge, it may be time to reclaim your body and confidence. You shouldn’t have to live with the effects of diastasis recti any longer. Schedule a tummy tuck consultation with Dr. Michelle Eagan, Board Certified Plastic Surgeon, in New Orleans, LA. Our goal is to restore your abdomen and relieve symptoms, like pelvic pain, urinary incontinence, and constipation. Contact the specialists at New Orleans Plastic Surgery to begin the process today.

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