Brow Lift in New Orleans, LA

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What is a Brow Lift?

A surgical brow lift (sometimes known as a browplasty or forehead lift) is a popular cosmetic treatment that helps raise the brow. This treatment helps the upper part of your face look more youthful. Often, a sagging brow can create a tired or angry appearance. A browplasty treats a sagging brow by removing excess skin from the forehead and lifting the eyebrows. At New Orleans Plastic Surgery in Louisiana, Dr. Michelle Eagan performs browplasty on patients to help them achieve a younger-looking appearance. Additionally, for an even softer and smoother appearance, we may combine a brow lift with an injectable. Please call us to schedule an appointment and learn more.

What Are The Benefits Of A Brow Lift?

A brow lift designed by Dr. Eagan at New Orleans Plastic Surgery can achieve dramatic results to rejuvenate and remake your look with benefits that include:

  • Offering customizable treatment options
  • Smoothing forehead creases, lines, and wrinkles
  • Opening up the eyes to look more alert and refreshed
  • Reducing sagging eyelids
  • Restoring the natural eyebrow arches
  • Diminishing Crow's feet
  • Lessening the "angry and tired" look
  • Creating an overall more youthful appearance
  • Achieving dramatic, long-lasting results

Is A Brow Lift For Me?

As you get older, skin laxity starts to decrease and causes parts of the face to droop. Often, these signs of aging occur in the upper face. When looking in a mirror, do you appear angry or tired, notice frown lines in between your brows, or feel upset about a drooping brow? If so, a surgical brow lift at New Orleans Plastic Surgery in Louisiana can address these concerns. During your consultation, Dr. Eagan will develop a personalized surgical plan that outlines the details of your treatment.

How Are Brow Lifts Performed?

Before your surgery, Dr. Eagan will administer general anesthesia or IV sedation. We will determine the best sedation type based on the complexity of your surgery. Additionally, the incision technique depends on several factors, including the level of skin laxity, if we address the forehead, and the position of your hairline. Dr. Eagan may use a traditional, trichophytic, lateral brow lift, or the endoscopic forehead lift. Depending on your needs, we will select the best incision technique for you.

What Can I Expect After a Brow Lift?

The recovery time for a brow lift surgery will vary for each person. Generally, the majority of discomfort and swelling occurs with an open incision technique. Temporal or endoscopic techniques are less invasive, which reduces the severity of side effects. No matter the type of incision, you will still experience some swelling and bruising in the upper face, near the eyebrows, and possibly around the eyes. For at least three days, you should use cold compresses to reduce inflammation. Additionally, Dr. Eagan recommends sleeping upright and avoiding any movement that places stress on your face. Typically, your recovery time is around 2 – 3 weeks. Right after the surgery, your complexion will appear softer, more alert, have fewer fine lines, and less sagging in the upper half of the face.

How much does a brow lift cost?

Rather than choosing the lowest price, we recommend finding an experienced surgeon who can help you achieve the results you want. The cost of brow lift surgery will depend on the technique, facility fees, and anesthesia. After creating your treatment plan, we will provide an estimate of your costs. To make your surgery more affordable, Dr. Eagan will also discuss payment options or low-interest medical financing.

Brow Lift FAQ

Do I need a brow lift or facelift?
Whether you should get a facelift or brow lift will depend on your goals and where you have excess skin. You should openly talk about your wants with Dr. Eagan so she can help you decide what is best. Many patients come in wanting a full facelift and discover they only need a brow lift and vice versa. Using her years of experience, Dr. Eagan will confidently help you create your unique treatment plan — so you get your best results.

What about nonsurgical treatments?
There are many nonsurgical treatments, such as laser skin tightening and injectables (like BOTOX® and JUVÉDERM®), that can give some improvements. However, brow lift surgery is better if you want longer-lasting results and significant improvements. During your consultation, Dr. Eagan can go over both your surgical and nonsurgical options so you can decide which is better for your needs.

What technique should I choose?
Dr. Eagan will explain brow lift surgery techniques in your consultation to help you understand the benefits. She will then help you decide on the best technique for your needs and goals. Some of the factors that may influence your choice are your hairline (factoring in both your current hairline and your risk of developing a receding hairline), the degree of skin sagging, and how much time you can devote to recovery.

Will my results look natural?
If you have an experienced plastic surgeon like Dr. Eagan, your brow lift results will appear natural. She will develop your treatment plan for your needs and goals — so you appear refreshed and younger instead of tight or frozen. During your surgery, Dr. Eagan will focus on removing loose skin. The remaining skin and tissue will be smoothed — so your results don't limit your facial expressions or lift your eyebrows too high.

How much does a brow lift cost?
Your costs for brow lift surgery will vary based on the technique used, the facility fee, anesthesia, and other factors. When your treatment plan has been created in your consultation, an estimate of costs can be made. Dr. Eagan can also go over payment methods we accept and how to find low-interest financing to make your surgery more affordable.

What is the best age for a brow lift?
There is no correct age for a brow lfit. If you're noticing sagging eyebrows and would like to have them corrected, a brow lift is likely a great solution for you, regardless of your age. With that said, most brow lift patients are typically between the ages of 40 – 60.

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Recovery Time  
1 Week
Average Procedure Time  
1 Hour
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Rejuvenate Your Appearance

If you feel self-conscious about your sagging forehead, we encourage you to schedule an appointment and learn more about a brow lift. By lifting your hanging brow, you can refresh your complexion and appear younger-looking. At New Orleans Plastic Surgery in Louisiana, Dr. Eagan strives to provide results that look natural. Our team looks forward to helping you feel more confident in your appearance.

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*Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary from person to person. Images may contain models.