Fill in Flat Cheeks With the Help of Dermal Fillers

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Are you longing for fuller, more youthful cheeks that add a touch of vibrancy to your appearance? You're not alone. Many people experience flat cheeks or a lack of plumpness due to age. Now there's a way to help restore volume to your cheeks without resorting to plastic surgery: dermal fillers at New Orleans Plastic Surgery.

Below, plastic and cosmetic surgeon Dr. Michelle Eagan explores the topic of dermal fillers and how they provide your desired skin rejuvenation results! Our New Orleans, LA team has treated countless patients through this minimally invasive approach.

Do you have flat cheeks?

Our skin naturally contains hyaluronic acid (HA), an essential component that keeps our complexion looking and feeling youthful. But as we age, the production of HA decreases, resulting in wrinkles, sagging skin, and loss of volume in the mid-face and cheeks. Factors like sun exposure and poor lifestyle habits only contribute to the degradation of facial volume over time.

Many people use implants or undergo facelift surgery to restore fullness in the cheeks. However, these methods may not produce realistic results and increase your risk of complications like scarring. Fortunately, dermal fillers offer a more viable alternative.

What are dermal fillers?

Dermal fillers are injectable skin rejuvenation treatments that add volume beneath the skin to correct wrinkles, lines, and hollows. They consist of a gel-like substance that contains hyaluronic acid. New Orleans Plastic Surgery offers a wide range of cutting-edge filler products to help meet your aesthetic goals.

What happens during a filler appointment?

Dr. Eagan begins each appointment in New Orleans, LA by assessing your skin and discussing your desired results. Depending on the product chosen, we may use topical numbing or local anesthetic to ensure your comfort throughout the procedure. The fillers are then carefully administered into predetermined areas to help restore your natural contours. Appointments last about 15 – 30 minutes and don't require any downtime.

When do results show after dermal fillers?

You'll begin to notice an improvement in flat cheeks shortly after your appointment. The outcomes from fillers typically last 6 – 12 months or even longer, depending on the product and amount used. New Orleans Plastic Surgery can provide a detailed overview of product longevity during your consultation. We may recommend touch-up sessions or maintenance treatments to extend your results.

Do dermal fillers come with side effects?

Dermal fillers are generally considered safe, with minimal risks and side effects. Temporary redness or swelling at the injection site may occur but should subside within a few days. It's crucial to choose a qualified and experienced practitioner to ensure optimal results. Be sure to disclose any medical conditions, allergies, or medications you're taking to ensure a safe treatment plan.

Try skin rejuvenation with fillers

If you're yearning to restore volume to your flat cheeks and achieve a more youthful appearance, dermal fillers offer a reliable solution in New Orleans, LA. These popular treatments add natural-looking fullness to your cheeks, enhancing facial harmony and boosting your self-confidence.

By consulting with a professional like Dr. Michelle Eagan, you can embark on a transformative journey. Call New Orleans Plastic Surgery today to learn more about our innovative products.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.